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Argentinian freemasons to release NFT collection for charity

Argentine freemasons to release NFT collection

Argentina-based Freemasons are releasing an NFT collection, dubbed CryptoMasons, according to a Twitter announcement. The collection, comprising 77 digital artworks, will be the first official NFT project supported by a local Grand Lodge.

The governing entity of the fraternal freemasons group in Argentina, the Argentine Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, is behind the launch.

Freemasonry is the world’s largest secret society devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance. The proceeds from the NFT sale will go to local charities supported by the chapter, including a local orphanage, a professional development center for youth, and an immigration rights center in Argentina.

While the move is a huge step towards crypto utility and adoption, this is not the first time NFT and Web 3.0 are being used for philanthropy. Earlier this year, for instance, the world witnessed the crypto community donating millions in crypto to support Ukraine through the ongoing conflict.

The pro-crypto stance is not new to Argentina either. The country’s Mendoza province began accepting crypto for taxes and administrative fees just a couple of weeks ago. And a whopping 5.18% of Argentina’s population own some crypto or the other, according to survey data from payment gateway Triple-A. What’s more, Binance and Mastercard have even launched prepaid crypto cards in Argentina.

Argentina Freemasons NFT collection
Source: CryptoMasons

CryptoMasons, the collection of 77 NFTs, was created by a group of 7 graphic artists. The collection contains symbols of Freemasonry, such as a compass, a square, and black and white checkered floors.

The exact release date of the CryptoMasons collection has not yet been revealed but is likely to be announced on its website and social networks soon.

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