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Axie Infinity is changing its rewards system

Axie infinity

Axie Infinity, one of the most popular play-to-earn (P2E), is changing the rewards system and removing one of its native tokens, Smooth Love Potions (SLP), from the classic gameplay. Its two native tokens, SLP and Axie Infinity (AXS), are integral to the P2E game. The move is meant to draw users to its new game mode called Axie Infinity Origin.

The reward system change was announced in a blog post titled “Origin Season 0: Phase 3 Is Here.” This marks the beginning of Phase 3 of its Origin project—a significant advance for Axie. The team highlighted that moving from classic to the new game mode will help “balance the SLP economy.”

In addition to this, NFT runes and charms have been introduced, and charms can be minted on the Ronin network through the marketplace. And the game’s leaderboard rewards have been adjusted.

Axie Infinity in 2022

2021 was a magnificent year for P2E, with Axie leading the industry. Even though the crypto tokens of the Axie Infinity project have not performed well during this crypto winter, the NFT transaction volume for the project surged 205% in July.

Axie Infinity also made a new all-time high, recording more than $4 billion with NFT sales. While SLP is used for rewards, AXS is the community’s governance token.

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