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Bitcoin in Indian rupee: How to invest and protect your investment from market volatility


Bitcoin plays a fundamental role in the decentralized economy. As more and more investors in India begin to recognize this, Bitcoin is gaining popularity. However, the RBI does not yet regulate crypto or the exchanges that sell them. So, it is important for traders to stay cautious and learn everything about converting BTC into the Indian rupee.

Understanding the Bitcoin market in the Indian rupee

If you’re thinking about making a crypto investment, you must understand the Indian market and how to convert Bitcoin into the Indian rupee here. And if you’ve already invested in BTC and want to either exchange or sell it, too, you must convert it into INR. The conversion process is the same as when you convert USD to INR; it primarily depends on demand and supply. Below we will try to explain all of this in detail.

How the value of Bitcoin is determined in Indian rupee

In India, the rupee may be exchanged for BTC in two ways.

Exchange or broker

The first option is to use an exchange or broker to make a BTC to INR trade. Exchanges or broker platforms like CoinSwitch work in the same way as your airport foreign exchanges. When you make a purchase, the digital asset is added to the exchange wallet until withdrawn. If you buy BTC with the help of a particular bank account, the exchange will deposit the equivalent INR sum into the same account when you withdraw the funds.

Peer-to-Peer Platform

Peer-to-peer platforms are also another popular option. These platforms allow you to sell and buy cryptos like BTC. To convert your BTC to INR quickly and anonymously using this method makes sense. When selling BTC, you may specify how the purchasers should pay you. The transactions are usually faster and low-cost.

Understanding the factors that affect Bitcoin’s value in Indian rupee

Bitcoin’s value fluctuates almost constantly. Various factors cause this fluctuation. Below are some of the variables that affect its price.

The supply and demand for Bitcoin

The extent to which people are willing to use Bitcoin is one factor that will influence its value. The value increases when the asset is in high demand and decreases when the demand is low.

Also, supply is closely associated with demand and significantly affects the value. To maintain a high value, the Bitcoin network has been designed to create strategic scarcity. It does this by limiting the annual supply of BTC in the market. Hence, the supply, therefore, plays a key role in preserving the value of BTC in INR or any other currency.

The regulatory framework

Countries across the world are debating how to manage cryptos like Bitcoin. Their explosive growth in popularity has made them unignorable. Regulation helps protect investors, but the coin’s value diminishes if the laws become too tight or too many. On the contrary, if they support the crypto sector, they may promote expansion.

For example, in countries like China, where cryptos are banned, Bitcoin has failed to catch on. Whereas in the US, the crypto giant gained huge popularity—thanks to government acceptance to a large extent.

How to stay up to date with market developments and news

There is no shortage of news outlets that cover the latest developments in the market. You should seek dependable news outlets that consistently feature crypto-related coverage. CoinDesk, Decrypt, and The Block are a few good options. In addition, most mainstream news sources in India now have a desk dedicated to crypto.

Investing and trading Bitcoin in Indian rupee

If you’re keen on investing in Bitcoin, here are some simple tips on how to get started.

1. Choose a reliable and secure Bitcoin exchange

Choose a trustworthy environment or exchange to conduct your business. When you join a good Bitcoin exchange, you’ll be able to deposit and withdraw funds associated with crypto with ease.

2. Set up a Bitcoin wallet

To invest in Bitcoin or convert your BTC into INR, you must set up a Bitcoin wallet. The wallet helps you hold your funds for use later or to convert it into your currency. Your Bitcoin wallet options vary from one platform to another. But the main steps remain the same: Choose a reliable platform, visit the App or Play Store and download the official app, and finally, open the app and register yourself.

3. Understand technical analysis and market sentiment

Next, analyze Bitcoin and other cryptos using technical indicators like price charts and trade volumes. Price shifts adhere to preexisting short- or long-term patterns, so it is important to understand them.

4. Set up risk management and profit-taking strategies

Setting up risk-management and profit-taking strategies is essential to protect you from market volatility. The following sections should help you learn how to do this. You can also read our other blog posts on risk management and safe investing.

Protecting your Bitcoin investment from volatility

There are several strategies to safeguard one’s Bitcoin holdings against price swings.

Building a diversified portfolio

While getting started on your investment journey, don’t forget to look at other assets. Keeping a diverse portfolio will help you offset any losses arising from BTC and to optimize profits.

Implementing hedging strategies

Implementing a hedging strategy is also helpful. Hedging is a risk management tool that helps protect investors from Bitcoin volatility. It involves using several financial instruments to offset losses from one against the other. A financial advisor can help you determine your investment strategy and whether Bitcoin suits your requirements.

Utilizing stop-loss and other risk management techniques

Always conduct research and be prepared with a backup plan for when things go south. Stop losses, prudent position sizing, and a healthy regard for the potential rewards while taking on risk might help. Stop loss is an advanced order primarily set by the broker to prevent the loss of an investor on a specific unit.

Advanced techniques for managing market volatility

Let’s begin by discussing some ways of dealing with the crypto market volatility.

Utilizing algorithmic trading strategies

The strategy uses a kind of algorithm trading to help investors learn when to enter the crypto market and when to leave. HFT is a popular algorithmic trading strategy.

Incorporating real-world assets and commodities

Similarly, diversifying to incorporate real-world assets and commodities can help secure a profit. Make sure you choose a platform that allows you to invest in real-world assets.

Utilizing leverage and margin trading

The leverage strategy, also known as margin investing, has the potential to generate substantial profits, but it does come with significant risk. So it may be wise to seek professional help if you use this strategy.

Implementing tax-efficient strategies

Managing taxes is important if you do not want your taxes to eat into your returns. Tax-efficient investment strategies like individualized tax management solutions, account diversification, matching account type with investment, and holding investments longer are all strategies that can help you gain greater after-tax returns.

Staying ahead in the game

Primary research is an essential component of successful trading. You need not be an expert to undertake primary research. Even simply keeping up with the latest developments in the crypto industry via news can take you a long way.

Building and maintaining discipline in trading

Successful traders know their careers will flourish when they stick to a strict routine. They plan ahead to avoid making rash choices. Besides, remember, that taking reasonable risks ensures that you learn from your mistakes and move on.

Mastering emotional intelligence in trading

The first thing to watch out for in times of significant Bitcoin volatility is panic. Do not give in to it. The fact that other people are selling shouldn’t make you want to sell. Stay cool and stick to the plan you made based on your financial objectives. Read our article on FOMO to learn how to hold your cool.

Continuously learning and adapting to market changes

A common mistake new investors make is relying excessively on social media. Never trust social media hype while making serious financial choices. Especially so in relation to crypto, where rumors and misconceptions spread rapidly. Instead, always follow authentic crypto news sites, do your research thoroughly, and keep updating your investment strategy.


Retail and, increasingly, institutional investors are showing interest in Bitcoin. As the demand for crypto rises, so will the prices and the temptation to invest. In such a scenario, it is important to learn how to calculate the value of BTC in INR and how to protect it. We hope you now know how.


Is it safe to invest in Bitcoin in India?

It’s advisable to consult with financial advisors and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. Additionally, always use secure and reputable platforms for buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies. Keep in mind that the information provided here is not financial advice, and it’s important to make investment decisions based on your individual circumstances and risk tolerance.

Can I invest 1 rupee in Bitcoin?

In theory, it is possible to invest a very small amount, such as 1 rupee, in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is divisible, and the smallest unit is called a “satoshi.” One Bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis. Therefore, you can invest small amounts, including amounts less than 1 rupee, if you use a platform that allows you to purchase fractions of a Bitcoin.

How do I invest in Bitcoin in India?

Always conduct thorough research, only invest what you can afford to lose, and consider seeking advice from financial professionals if needed. Additionally, ensure that you comply with local regulations and tax requirements related to cryptocurrency investments in India.

Can I invest 100 Rs in cryptocurrency?

Yes, it is possible to invest 100 Indian Rupees (INR) in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are divisible, and you can purchase a fraction of a coin. For example, Bitcoin is divisible into smaller units called satoshis, with one Bitcoin being equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis. This allows you to invest even small amounts of money.

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