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Crypto-familiar parents in the US want Web 3.0 in school curriculum

Crypto in school curriculum

A new survey by indicates that parents who are familiar with crypto feel that school-led crypto education is the need of the hour. In fact, most blockchain-versed parents are already putting in an average sum of $766 to crypto-educate their kids outside of the school coverage.

Close to 200 college graduates were also surveyed. About 86% of graduates reportedly feel that they would have been making additional money if they had some foundational knowledge of crypto.

More than half of both the surveyed groups revealed they wanted to learn more about “the future of the economy.”, the company behind the survey, spoke to 884 parents and 210 graduates about the exact Web 3.0 vertical that should be a part of the school curriculum. The choices were: blockchains, crypto, the metaverse, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). While NFTs received 25% of the votes, crypto was the clear winner with 64% votes.

The surveyed individuals were also asked about the ideal time to introduce crypto to kids. The response option “High School” had the highest number of takers, followed by “Undergraduate Degree” and “Middle School.”

The college graduates and parents were first screened to check if they have an adequate understanding of crypto, blockchain tech, metaverse, NFTs, and other aspects of Web 3.0. Only those who qualified were taken through to the next part of the survey.

If the results of this survey are anything to go by, and at some point, the community manages to follow up and execute a catch-them-young strategy, it has the potential of helping boost crypto adoption.

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