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Which blockchain offers the best support for NFT minting?

blockchain support for NFTs

If you’ve been thinking about minting Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs, you may find yourself at a loss when it comes to deciding which blockchain you should start with. If so, start with this article. Here, we share our research on which blockchain offers the best support for NFT minting. While you should do more research on your own, this should be a good starting point.

Introduction to blockchain technology and NFT minting

Let’s begin with defining the two terms in question, shall we?

Blockchain technology

This technology involves the creation of a chain-like structure made up of blocks to store and transfer data in a decentralized manner. It relies on a network of computer users to create this structure called a blockchain. A blockchain is essentially a type of digital ledger. Blockchains eliminate the need for centralized intermediaries like banks. It is impossible to erase or alter the blockchain without the consensus of all network participants.

How are NFTs and blockchain technology related? Let’s connect the dots. Crypto and NFTs are digital assets that are stored on the blockchain along with all the transactional data pertaining to them. So what’s NFT minting?

NFT minting

To create an NFT, you will need access to a crypto blockchain as well as an NFT exchange. To “mint” an NFT is to make it available for purchase. So that means publishing your token on the blockchain.

Understanding the basics of NFT minting and the role of blockchain technology

Selling digital content is nothing new. And NFT minting is one of the ways to sell digital content. However, it involves a different type of content and relies on a very special type of technology. More importantly, NFT minting ensures that creator details and ownership rights are better preserved.

NFTs and crypto are both tokens. But the former is non-fungible—meaning unique and irreplaceable. The digital identity of the original creator of the NFT can be verified by looking at the blockchain. So that’s why people want to mint NFTs.

But how does one mint an NFT? With the following steps.

  • Establish a connection with your bank account. To participate in the NFT market, first, create a crypto wallet and link it to a marketplace. To do this on the OpenSea marketplace, you can either click the wallet symbol or the “create” button. You’ll see an invitation to add a payment method. The rest is just a matter of following the instructions.
  • Start by making something new. Take time to ideate and create a digital file with your artwork. Keep this ready. On Opensea, you can find the “create” button on the top right of the home page. After that, you’ll be asked to give the NFT a name and choose the digital file you want to upload.
  • Store the NFT in your wallet. The network must perform some computations to complete the sale of an NFT. The cost for this constitutes what they call “gas fees.” It is a type of transaction fee. Once you pay this fee, the NFT will be stored in your wallet on its own—assuming you have done the linking right.
  • Promote your NFT: After the NFT has been created, it is ready for trading. To sell your NFT on Opensea, select the “sell” tab on the top right of the NFT description page.

So what’s the best place to mint an NFT? Let’s try to answer that by looking at three of the most popular options.

1. Ethereum blockchain

In 2013, Vitalik Buterin, a young computer programmer, envisioned the creation of a blockchain that could execute digital contracts and keep tabs on asset ownership. This blockchain came to be known as Ethereum. It is one of the blockchains that allows NFT minting.

An overview of Ethereum and its NFT minting capabilities

Ethereum remains a major player in the NFT minting space. There are many advantages to utilizing this blockchain for minting. A few of them are:

Popularity: Ethereum, without a doubt, is a pioneer in the blockchain industry and a leading platform for smart contracts. Most digital asset infrastructure was designed around Ethereum. That makes Ethereum very popular as an NFT minting platform.
Wide selection: Because of Ethereum’s prominence in the industry, it hosts a wider selection of NFTs compared to any other blockchain.

Stability: Ethereum has been in existence for almost a decade now. Although it is still developing and improving, it ranks among the most deep-rooted blockchains available. That’s a big plus for NFT minting.

2. Flow blockchain

Flow is a fast, distributed, and developer-friendly blockchain. It can host apps, and games, as well as the digital assets they use. Due to its design, which optimizes for scalability and speed without using shading techniques, it is well suited for blockchain-based gameplay and the minting of NFTs.

Understanding the key features of Flow for NFT minting

The main problem with Ethereum is that it can’t grow very quickly, and it can only handle 13–15 transactions per second. That makes it unsuitable for widespread use.

Flow ensures that it lowers the cost of Ethereum transactions—that is, the gas fee. This makes it ideal for NFT minting.

3. Polygon (Formerly Matic Network)

Polygon provides a protocol and a framework that helps bridge Ethereum-compatible blockchains. It also runs a plasma sidechain, which combines the Proof of Stake (PoS) transaction verification mechanism with other technologies.

A look at the Polygon network and its suitability for NFT minting

Thanks to its improved network capabilities, Polygon’s prominence is on the rise. Some features that contribute to its success include:

  • Safety and scalability features: Polygon relies on a PoS consensus mechanism to solve some of Ethereum’s scalability and scalability woes. This allows it to provide lightning-fast transactions even in multichain ecosystems. Polygon, therefore, boasts of a very high throughput when it comes to financial transactions.
  • Network scalability: Polygon also improves the Ethereum network’s scalability with the addition of side chains. A single sidechain can process 10,000 transactions at once.
  • Compatibility: Polygon supports connections to multiple Ethereum-compatible NFT blockchains.
  • Interoperability: Relying on something like a sequence, this Ethereum-based blockchain can communicate with other chains. This allows for seamless cross-chain integration. This makes it more functional and sustainable.

A comparison of Ethereum, Flow, and Polygon for NFT minting

Gas fees are a key consideration when comparing the three blockchains. This fee is essentially the amount an Ethereum user has to pay to complete transactions and execute a smart contract. The charge, in which users pay the gas fee using Ethereum’s native token, ETH, takes a number of factors on board. For instance, it depends on the length and complexity of the contract and the network traffic. The fee can, therefore, be quite high on some days.

Flow and Polygon try to work around this issue of high gas fees in their ways.

Evaluating the scalability, security, and interoperability of different blockchains for NFT minting

Flow and Polygon run on top of the Ethereum blockchain. So their users would normally need to shoulder the high gas fee, too. But they don’t.

Flow’s developers successfully lowered the platform’s transaction fees. The minimum fee to complete a transaction is 0.000001 FLOW.

Polygon, on the other hand, does have a gas fee at all. That makes the solution even more affordable.

Conclusion: Choosing the right blockchain for NFT minting

Now that we’ve compared each of these blockchains, let’s see if we can summarize our discussion to help you make up your mind about choosing a blockchain for your NFT minting needs.

Balancing the key factors to determine the best blockchain for your NFT minting needs

You can mint NFTs with any of these options, and each one comes with its benefits. All the options work pretty flawlessly, but Ethereum is undoubtedly the more popular one. However, Ethereum can be a bit pricey when it comes to NFT minting. Flow and Polygon are a lot cheaper. We hope this helps. Toodle-oo for now!


What blockchain is best for NFTs?

The choice of blockchain for NFTs often involves a trade-off between factors like decentralization, scalability, cost, and the specific requirements of the project. It’s important to consider the current state of the blockchain ecosystem, developer support, and user adoption when choosing a blockchain for NFTs.

What is the best platform for minting NFT?

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as the blockchain it operates on, fees, ease of use, community support, and any specific features it offers. Additionally, new platforms and developments may have emerged since my last update, so it’s advisable to check for the latest information in the rapidly evolving NFT space.

What are minting platforms?

Minting platforms are online platforms or services that allow creators to generate and tokenize their digital content as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Minting is the process of creating and issuing NFTs, which represent ownership or authenticity of unique digital assets. These platforms often provide tools and interfaces to make the minting process accessible to artists, creators, and developers. Users can mint various types of digital content, such as digital art, music, videos, virtual goods, and more.

What platforms are lazy minting?

Lazy minting can be an approach used by various NFT platforms to reduce the upfront costs and environmental impact associated with minting large numbers of NFTs that may not be immediately sold. However, not all platforms explicitly use the term “lazy minting” to describe this process.

Disclaimer: Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. The information provided in this post is not to be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch. Any action taken upon the information shall be at the user’s risk.

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