Fixed Deposit Beginner

How to open an FD account: A step-by-step guide

FD account opening process

Banks and other financial institutions frequently offer fixed deposit schemes for investors. What is an FD account? It is a term deposit where you can make a lump sum investment for a specific tenure and get a predetermined interest rate. Establishing an FD account is a straightforward procedure you can do offline or online. Here’s a guided tour to open a fixed deposit.

What is a fixed deposit?

Fixed deposits that guarantee a fixed interest rate for a specified period are popular investment instruments for risk-averse investors. The set maturity date of FD accounts makes them a reliable investment choice because you must pay the penalty before removing the money before that day. FD schemes, which provide more excellent interest rates than savings accounts, can be a dependable source of income for people looking to save money for a specific purpose or long-term financial planning.

A step-by-step guide on how to open an FD account

Opening an FD account is easy; you can opt for the method that saves you time. We discuss various modes of opening FDs.

Open an FD account by visiting a bank

Before making a deposit, you must understand how to open a fixed deposit account. Fill out the account opening form at the bank with all required information, such as the desired account type, FD duration, and investment amount. Submit the completed form with the necessary paperwork, including your PAN card, address verification, and proof of identification.

You can deposit the money into your FD account when your paperwork has been validated. You will receive an FD receipt from the bank that includes all the information about your investment, such as the interest rate and the maturity date.

Open a fixed deposit account through net banking

Opening a fixed deposit account using online banking is easy and time-efficient. Start your fixed deposit process by logging onto your net banking account and searching for the FD account opening option. Choose the FD type you want to open, and select the investment amount and term. Select maturity instructions and the account from which you wish to send the money. Complete the application by entering your personal information and the nominee details. Once your application is accepted, the funds will be deducted from your account and transferred to the FD account. The bank will confirm your FD account information through your preferred mode of communication.

Open a fixed deposit account through an app

Opening a fixed deposit account is much simpler using a mobile banking app. Install the bank’s app. To learn how to open a fixed deposit account, log on to the app using your net banking credentials. Specify the type of FD you want to open, the investment amount, and the tenure. Choose the maturity instructions and the account from where you wish to send the funds.
Once you provide all details, the bank will open the FD account and convey the details through the app.

Features of a fixed deposit

Investors who seek low-risk investments with guaranteed returns usually opt for fixed deposits. Here are some features of fixed deposits that make them popular investments.

Quick process

The simplicity and speed of creating an account make investing in fixed deposits easy. One can create an FD account with most banks and financial institutions by filling out a simple application form and providing some documents.

Higher interest rates

Fixed deposits offer higher interest rates than savings accounts. FD interest rates are predetermined at the time of investment and stay the same for the duration of the tenor. Banks typically offer long-term fixed deposits at higher interest rates than short-term ones, making them a prime choice for investors looking to maximize earnings.

Flexible tenure

The fixed deposit tenure is adjustable, ranging from a few months to several years. The flexibility enables investors to learn how to open a fixed deposit account. Long-term deposits offer excellent interest rates and are appropriate for long-term investment goals. Short-term deposits are best for individuals looking to invest for a short period.

Safe returns

Fixed deposits provide guaranteed returns on investment and are a low-risk investment choice. Unlike other investment choices, fixed deposits are unaffected by market volatility and offer an assured return on investment. Fixed deposits are a desirable investment choice for risk-averse investors thanks to the security of the returns.

Emergency fund assistance

One can bank on fixed deposits as a source of emergency cash. Most banks allow customers to terminate an FD early, though it could involve penalties. Yet, the funds would come in handy when you need them badly.


If you want to invest your money and get a steady, low-risk return, consider investing in a fixed deposit scheme. It is a hassle-free process to open an account if you follow the logical steps. Remember to consider the terms and conditions before investing.


Is PAN required to open a fixed deposit?

A PAN (Permanent Account Number) is necessary for Fixed Deposits (FDs) since the interest on FDs is taxable. You have to provide the PAN details to create an FD account.

What is the time frame for opening an FD?

The bank or financial institution you select will determine the timeframe for creating an FD account. You can complete the formalities for opening the account in a short amount of time.

What is the longest tenure of an FD?

FD tenures vary from bank to bank. In India, certain banks generally provide fixed-term deposits (FDs) for a maximum of 10 years, while others may offer even longer tenures. The length of the FD’s tenure also impacts the interest rate.

What are some of the new FD new regulations?

Interest in unclaimed or past-due FDs is subject to the new FD regulation. The unclaimed money will receive a lower interest rate under the new regulation if a term deposit matures with unpaid profits.

Which bank account is best for FD?

Determining the best bank for a Fixed Deposit (FD) depends on factors like interest rates, tenure, and individual preferences. Top choices in India include HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, and ICICI Bank for competitive FD rates.

How do I open an FD account online?

To open an FD account online:
Visit the bank’s official website.
Register or log in.
Select “Open Fixed Deposit.”
Provide details and choose terms.
Confirm and fund the account.

What is the minimum balance to open FD?

The minimum balance to open a Fixed Deposit (FD) varies by bank but typically ranges from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 10,000. Different banks have different requirements. Always check with your specific bank for their exact minimum balance.

What documents are required to open a FD account?

To open a Fixed Deposit (FD) account, you typically need identity and address proof such as a PAN card, passport, and utility bill not older than two months. Requirements may vary by bank.

Disclaimer: Fixed deposit products are generally considered safe investments as they are not subject to market fluctuations. However, investors are advised to exercise caution while investing in FDs. Risks include the financial position and solvency of the issuing company/entity during the tenure of the deposit. The facts mentioned in this article are for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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