Indian Stocks Beginner

What are the differences between NFO and IPO?


What is an IPO?

IPO is short for Initial Public Offering (IPO). Basically, a private company makes its first round of IPO shares available to the general public. A company could decide to “go public” to raise equity capital from members of the general public. Due to the inclusion of private investors, the transition from a privatized to a publicly traded company is a vital phase for personal investors to realize the advantages of their investment fully. The IPO subscription status shows how many times a public offering was registered at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) or National Stock Exchange (NSE). Buyers can place bids for IPO shares on either of the exchanges.

Live subscription to an IPO is significant to investors for the main justifications:

  • Specific IPO buyers get IPO financing depending on BSE or NSE IPO status.
  • The change of IPO grey market pricing is dependent on IPO subscription status

What should you keep in mind before investing in an IPO?

  • If you want to buy shares in an IPO, read the company’s prospectus.
  • Acquiring as much information as possible on the firm that is going public is an essential first move.
  • Make it a priority to choose an initial public offering (IPO) that is backed by a powerful underwriter such as a significant investment company.
  • The IPO allotment status will show the number of shares an investor receives in an IPO.
  • Both BSE and NSE provide live IPO subscription status on their website.
  • Obtaining information about firms that are about to go public is difficult. Unlike publicly-listed firms, private corporations are often not covered by analysts.

What is an NFO?

A “New Fund Offer” (NFO) refers to the first distribution of shares in a mutual fund scheme. The objective of an NFO is to collect sufficient initial capital so that the money management of a mutual fund scheme may create an investment strategy compatible with the scheme’s investment objectives.

SEBI, the Indian market regulator, has regulations on the minimum capital a new fund must hold to launch an NFO. At the time of the NFO, the minimal membership value for debt-oriented or balanced hybrid plans was ₹20 crores, while the minimal membership value for all other plans was ₹10 crores.

What should you keep in mind before investing in an NFO?

  • Your existing investment portfolio could benefit if you take exposure to an NFO.
  • NFOs provide investors with novel & original investment concepts or topics.
  • Investors seeking liquidity can opt for open-ended non-traded funds (NFOs) since they can buy or sell your NFO assets anytime.
  • NFOs are time-bound offerings, and investments in them are often profitable.


Some distinctions between an IPO and an NFO are the following.


IPO: The price-to-earnings (P/E) or price-to-book (P/BV) rates are essential indicators of a firm’s value. It is also important in deciding the proposal’s valuation or appeal.

NFO: NFO valuations are immaterial since the monies received are divided into units and invested in the marketplace.


IPO: The pricing of an IPO is determined by the originating firm’s business characteristics as well as the suitability of the pricing.

NFO: NFOs are typically issued for Rs. 10, although the NAV depends on market conditions at the time of introduction.


IPO: On the launch day of an IPO in the market, investors stand a chance to make big gains.

NFO: After receiving and investing funds, activities begin immediately. The initial NAV of a fund may have been less than Rs. 10 owing to launch-related expenditures.

Usage of funds

IPO: Businesses acquire capital to expand their operations or to minimize the promoters’ interest.

NFO: AMCs invest these funds in assets such as stocks or bonds.


Both IPO and NFO raise funds for activities. Invested intelligently, both may provide significant returns. Study these options before investing. After understanding the dangers and facts, invest. IPOs are for risk-takers who desire larger profits. NFO is suitable for medium-to-low risk-takers. Invest wisely and patiently.


Is it good to invest in an NFO?

Investing in NFOs does not come without risk. Unlike existing funds, NFOs do not have a track record, enabling you to analyze the investing methodology and related risks. Furthermore, you will not able to evaluate the fund owner’s future intentions regarding the utilization of your assets.

What are the disadvantages of NFO?

Since the NFOs haven’t been offered previously, there is no information available on their past efficiency. As a consequence, it gets difficult to assess its effectiveness.

Which is better, IPO or NFO?

In the case of NFOs, the industry’s position significantly impacts the proportion of funds that will enter the market as well as their prices. Initial public offering (IPO) price reflects a firm’s perceived value since a more attractive IPO obtains a better rating and, subsequently, a higher market value.

What happens after buying an NFO?

When the NFO term of a new scheme concludes, the mutual fund firm distributes the plan’s shares within five business days. If you do not get an allocation due to unfulfilled know-your-client (KYC) requirements or errors in registration forms, the financial institution will reimburse your registration fee.

Is it good to buy NFO?

Buying New Fund Offers (NFOs) may not always be advisable. NFOs lack a track record, and existing funds offer more history for informed investment decisions. Evaluate carefully before considering NFOs.

Is NFO taxable?

Yes, NFOs (New Fund Offers) are taxable. The tax rate depends on the type of mutual fund and the duration of holding. Equity NFOs are taxed at 15% for short-term gains.

What is the difference between IPO and NFO in Hindi?

IPO (Initial Public Offering) एक कंपनी का पहला सार्वजनिक बोल होता है, जबकि NFO (New Fund Offer) एक म्यूचुअल फंड की नई स्कीम का पहला चरण होता है। IPO में कंपनी के स्टॉक्स बेचे जाते हैं, जबकि NFO में नए म्यूचुअल फंड की योजना शुरू होती है।

Do NFO give better returns?

NFOs (New Fund Offers) don’t guarantee better returns. They carry risks as they lack a track record. It’s wiser to invest in established funds with a proven history for potential returns.

Disclaimer: Risk is fundamental to the investment process in Indian stocks. Any discussion of securities in this article should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The facts provided are for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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