Mutual Funds Beginner

How do mutual funds pay dividends?

mutual funds' dividends

Mutual funds can significantly contribute to helping you achieve your long-term goals. However, some mutual funds give you better returns than others. So how do you choose? And is it a good idea to look for mutual funds that pay dividends?

Introduction to mutual fund dividends

So what is a dividend mutual fund? Ones that pay you a dividend, of course! They are essentially mutual funds that can give you steady but high returns. Stick around to learn all about them.

Understanding the basics and purpose of dividends in mutual funds

Dividends in mutual funds are funds that invest in the stock of companies that pay dividends. The shareholders and stockholders receive a cut of the profits instead of the company reinvesting it. Dividends are thus one of the perks of investing in some specific equity or equity-related funds.

Not all mutual funds offer them, though. Mutual funds can, instead, fall into two categories:

  • Growth options: In this type of mutual fund, profits are reinvested to facilitate company grown. So investors may expect the value of holdings to increase when the funds register more profits.
  • Dividend options: These funds let users receive profits as a regular dividend payouts from mutual funds. The money is not reinvested.

The latter is the type of mutual fund we are looking at here. Dividends in mutual funds are great for those looking to have a consistent income.

How do mutual funds generate dividends?

Users earn dividends by holding the fund for a particular time frame. Once the fund managers receive the interest and dividends, the funds are distributed among shareholders. The distribution varies according to the fund.

Small-cap companies don’t usually offer dividends. They just reinvest the money in the business. This helps them keep increasing their profits. On the contrary, large-cap companies tend to have offer dividends. Dividends from such companies often generates a steady influx of money for shareholders.

An overview of the sources of dividends

Dividends can be periodic or yearly. And they make for great sources of passive income. To find a fund that pays dividends, first, make sure it invests in companies that pay dividends regularly.

Dividend sources

While deciding on a mutual fund that offers dividends, it is important to look at the source of the dividend closely. Remember to handle the following effectively.

  1. Choosing the right companies: Investing in different companies is the major source of dividends. Not all companies offer dividends, so be sure to check if the companies your fund is investing in offers them.
  2. Cash flows: Choosing a company with larger cash flow is better. Companies that generate profitable income and have a better cash flow are more likely to profit and distribute dividends to shareholders.
  3. Debits: Some profitable companies can amass massive debts. That can end up leading to their cash flowing mainly toward their loans and creditors. Such companies may not profitable for shareholders.
  4. Assets: A company’s assets also play a key role in contributing to the profits and, in turn, dividends. So it’s important to factor this in too.

Dividend distribution process in mutual funds

The mutual fund manager collects profits and distributes it to shareholders. The distribution occurs once in every quarter.

A step-by-step explanation of how mutual funds pay out dividends to investors

  • The fund managers find identify companies that pay dividends regularly. Irrespective of the composition of the fund, the managers have to pay out all the income as dividends.
  • Most companies that pay dividends on preferred stock or common stock or both typically do so on a quarterly basis. There are some companies that pay on a semi-annual or even monthly basis. But those are the exception rather than the norm.
  • The fund managers divide and distribute the dividends on a pro-rata basis.

The timing and amount of mutual fund dividends

The amount that you receive from your mutual fund and how long it takes to arrive is specific to each fund. There is no universally acceptable answer. However, there are some key factors that determine them.

An analysis of the factors that determine when and how much dividends are paid by mutual fund

Most mutual fund pay out dividends every quarter. The dividend payouts for some funds happens on a semi-annual or even monthly basis, but this is rare. It depends on the companies they are investing in.

The amount, of course, again varies from fund to fund. It depends on the companies that are invested in and how much their yield is for the period.

Taxation of mutual funds dividends

The tax that applies to a mutual fund depends on the capital gains and the dividends received. Because each of these categories are taxed differently.

A discussion of the tax implications of receiving dividends from mutual funds

In India, previously, investors did not have to pay tax on dividends. This was because the fund managers paid the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) in advance—before the sharing of profits.

Under the current regime, things are a bit different. Dividends from domestic companies of up to ₹10 lakh a year were tax-free for investors. A tax rate of 10% applied in case of any dividends in excess of that amount each year.

If you are an individual with a low-risk appetite searching for higher returns, Dividend Mutual Funds may work for you. However, always do your own research and think twice before investing.


Do any mutual funds pay dividends?

Yes, some mutual funds pay dividends to their investors. These dividends are typically distributed from the income or profits generated by the underlying assets held by the fund.

Is dividend paid by mutual funds taxable?

Yes, dividends paid by mutual funds are taxable. Since April 1, 2020, these dividends are taxable in the hands of investors as the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) was withdrawn.

Can we get monthly dividend in mutual fund?

Yes, some mutual funds offer monthly dividends. These funds primarily invest in securities that provide regular dividends, offering investors a consistent income stream.

Do mutual funds pay dividends or capital gains?

Mutual funds can pay both dividends and capital gains. Dividends are distributed income from fund investments, while capital gains result from the sale of fund assets. Both may have tax implications.

Do mutual funds pay monthly?

Yes, some mutual funds offer monthly payout options, providing regular income to investors. These funds often focus on dividends or interest income from their underlying investments.

Disclaimer: Investing in mutual funds is subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing. Potential returns from a mutual fund product are not guaranteed. Past performance is not indicative of future results. None of our articles are intended to and should be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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