Japanese gaming giants eye long-term blockchain adoption

blockchain gaming

Sega, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, and other big names in gaming have partnered with Oasys blockchain to create blockchain-based games, according to Ryo Matsubara, representative director at Oasys, the eco-friendly network.

Matsubara reportedly said that gaming giants like the ones mentioned above don’t see blockchain technology as a fad. Instead, they are contemplating the move with long-term goals in mind, according to an interview published by Cointelegraph. The interview was conducted at the recently concluded Tokyo Games.

The interest shown by gaming companies indicates that much of the industry is not swaying from their path of blockchain pursuance despite criticism from the community.

Throwing further light on the matter, Matsubara clarified that the companies aren’t looking to change their policies. Instead, they are looking at future tech adoption and not immediate revenue generation.

When asked about the approach the firms are adopting, Matsubara suggested that the focus, for now, is on creating new blockchain-based games instead of integrating existing games with blockchain tech.

Luke Sillay, a reputed game developer, was also present at the event. When asked about his point of view earlier during another interview with Cointelegraph, Sillay emphasized that the focus of games should be fun instead token-earning.

While the names mentioned above are based out of Japan, blockchain gaming adoption is also increasing globally. Epic Games, the name behind Fortnite, for instance, has been increasing its exposure to blockchain gaming.

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