Japanese mobile giant NTT Docomo mulls Web 3.0 foray

NTT Docomo mulls Web 3.0 foray in Web 3.0

Japanese mobile operator NTT Docomo plans to foray into Web 3.0 and has set aside investments worth $4.1 billion to explore the opportunity. The company plans to work closely with Accenture to speed up the adoption, Nikkei Asia reported.

However, this isn’t the first time that a telecom major has dipped its toes in the Web 3.0 waters. Spanish telecom firm Telefonica began accepting crypto-specific payments in September. Before opening the crypto payment avenue, Telefonica worked closely with Polygon (MATIC) to launch an NFT marketplace.

NTT Docomo’s plans to adopt Web 3.0 furthers the vision of other global firms that recognize crypto and its Web 3.0 use cases.

How will NTT Docomo play the Web 3.0 game?

The mobile operator has earmarked a war chest of $4.1 billion for the Web 3 project, which would be spread out over a period of six years.

Docomo even plans to open a Web 3.0-focused business arm in 2023 with four focus areas related to enablement: an asset exchange, token issuance gig, security, and a crypto wallet. However, developing the Web 3.0 infrastructure will remain a priority for the firm.

NTT Docomo also has plans to work alongside Astar, a smart contract firm with multi-chain exposure, and Accenture to further the scope and quality of the Web 3.0 services. Collaborating with Astar will further Docomo’s vision of embracing Web 3.0, as the former connects multiple exchanges and focuses on interoperability.

The mobile operator also mentioned that partnering with Accenture will primarily be about three aspects of Web 3.0 adoption: governance, social, and environmental. Besides, the firm will also focus on Web 3.0 training. Over time, NTT Docomo plans to promote Web 3.0 in Japan aggressively.

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