Nasdaq to set up crypto division for institutional investors

Nasdaq crypto

Cashing in on the rising interest in crypto from institutional investors, financial services firm Nasdaq has announced the launch of a “Nasdaq Digital Assets” division to serve institutional clients. The new division will develop an advanced institutional grade crypto custody solution that will incorporate liquidity and execution services.

To start, Nasdaq offer only Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) custody services. The aim is to address industry challenges around efficiency and connectivity, according to a press release by Nasdaq.

The move will bring together the best of hot and cold wallet features through innovative technology offerings and provide a high degree of accessibility and scalability, without compromising on security. The launch is subject to regulatory approval.

Earlier in May 2022, for instance, the firm partnered with Brazilian firm XP to create a new digital asset exchange called XTAGE. The exchange is scheduled to launch before the end of 2022. Offerings like XTAGE and the latest one are a sign that both institutional investors and Nasdaq are finally beginning to recognize the gains they could make by expanding its footprint in the crypto universe.

“Demand among institutional investors for engaging in digital assets has increased in recent years, and Nasdaq is well-positioned to accelerate broader adoption and drive sustainable growth,” Tal Cohen, Executive VP and Head of North American Markets, said, as reported in the release.

In Tuesday’s release, Nasdaq also announced the expansion of its Anti-financial Crime Technology Capabilities and bringing crypto assets under its purview.

Explaining the need for such technology, Jamie King, Executive Vice President, Head of Anti-Financial Crime said, “As the world of digital assets evolves and converges with traditional finance, it is crucial to provide the necessary portfolio of technology solutions designed to safeguard participants across the financial ecosystem.”

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