PUBG designer’s new project to include metaverse and NFTs


Brendan Greene, the designer of PUBG, has announced that his next gaming project, “Artemis,” will feature the metaverse, NFTs, and blockchain technology. The new game will feature an earth-size virtual sandbox where players can play any game of their choice, Greene revealed in Hit Points, a newsletter by video game journalist Nathan Brown.

After leaving Krafton, the South Korea-based video game company, in 2021, Greene announced a new project. PlayerUnknown: Prologue, the game he created, is an open-world survival game that featured a 40-square-mile map. This project is ultimately a tech demo for Artemis, according to him.

Staff in the new gaming project include nuclear physicists and mathematicians, and it requires significant labor from human engineers, too.

The arrival of Artemis marks a significant milestone in the evolution of gaming. Artemis is unlike traditional games; it is, in fact, better described, according to Green, as a decentralized interactive world where the inhabitants are free to make whatever they wish.

Further, the scale of the metaverse involved will be unprecedented. Explaining the significance of this development, Greene reportedly says that we do not yet have the technology to create something like Artemis. That is why PlayerUnknown Productions has been dedicating its efforts to building a game engine, Melba, according to Green.

The Artemis project will allow gamers and artists, rather than Greene, to earn money for their effort on the platform. All players will be able to modify the gameplay because of its open-source nature.

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