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English football club to accept Bitcoin payments

Bitcoin payments

The English football club, Oxford City will now be accepting Bitcoin (BTC) payments at its RAW Charging Stadium. Fans will be able to buy match tickets and pay for food and drinks using BTC. However, other traditional payment options are still available.

The club has been able to offer BTC payments thanks to its multi-year sponsorship agreement with CoinCorner.

Players will have a Bitcoin logo crested on the backs of their matchday shirts.

This is not the first time that a football club has enabled Bitcoin payments, but Oxford City has become the first club to accept the crypto as payment while buying matchday tickets.

Justin Merritt, director of football at Oxford City, said: “Embracing the latest technologies and innovations to ensure Oxford City FC can continue to operate as a self-sustaining club is a key part of our long-term objectives.”

“It’s not mandatory for people to engage with our new technology, but we believe, in time, paying via Bitcoin will become the new normal in English football.” Merritt added.

The adoption of Bitcoin as payment, and NFTs across football clubs is indeed increasing. Just last week, in New York, club Barcelona’s first-ever NFT was auctioned off for a whopping $693,000 at Sotheby’s.

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