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General Bytes Bitcoin ATMs hacked through zero-day bug attack

bitcoin atm

Bitcoin ATM manufacturer, General Bytes has confirmed that its Bitcoin ATMs were compromised due to a zero-day attack on 18 August 2022.

The zero-day bug made it possible for hackers to appoint themselves as the default administrators of the Bitcoin ATMs, which allowed them to change the destination wallet addresses of the ATMs so that any funds from transactions would be transferred to their wallet. Upon discovering the attack, the company advised all operators to update the software of the machines to thwart any further attacks.

In addition, before activating the machines again, operators were advised to check the review of the “SELL crypto” settings. The company has not yet disclosed how much worth of crypto the hackers were successful in stealing.

According to the company, hackers targeted the machines through zero-day vulnerability attacks to gain access to the company’s crypto application service (CAS) and extract funds.

An advisory on the incident by the company explained: “Attacker scanned Digital Ocean cloud hosting IP address space and identified running CAS services on ports 7777 or 443. Including General Bytes Cloud service and other GB ATM operators running their servers as Digital Ocean is a recommended cloud hosting provider.”

General Byte is one of the largest manufacturers of Bitcoin ATMs, and close to 8,827 of its Bitcoin ATMs are functional in over 120 countries. In recent months, crypto exchanges and crypto ATM operators have increased their installation rate of crypto ATMs and their number has already crossed 39,000 units.


Did hackers steal over $1.6 million in crypto from General byte Bitcoin ATMs using a zero-day flaw?

If this is a recent event, I recommend checking the latest news sources, official statements from General Bytes or law enforcement, and cybersecurity reports for the most up-to-date and accurate information on any potential security incidents related to General Bytes Bitcoin ATMs. Keep in mind that the cybersecurity landscape can change, and new information may have emerged since my last update.

Can Bitcoin ATM be hacked?

While Bitcoin ATMs have generally been considered secure, it’s crucial for both manufacturers and operators to stay vigilant against emerging threats. The cryptocurrency space is dynamic, and new attack vectors or vulnerabilities can be discovered over time.

What is the general bytes security incident?

If there has been a recent security incident involving General Bytes or its Bitcoin ATMs, I recommend checking the latest news sources, official statements from General Bytes, or other reputable cybersecurity reports for the most up-to-date and accurate information. Security incidents can vary in nature, and details are typically provided by the affected parties or official sources.

Why can’t blockchain be hacked?

While blockchain technology provides a high level of security, it is not entirely immune to hacking. The security of blockchain is achieved through a combination of cryptographic principles, decentralization, consensus mechanisms, and other features, making it highly resistant to tampering and fraud. However, it’s essential to understand that no system is entirely hack-proof, and vulnerabilities can exist at various levels.

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