Indian Stocks Beginner

Short selling: What you need to know?

Short selling

Short selling is an investment strategy that can help you profit in a declining market. If that sounds exciting, stick around. Because in this article, we’re covering everything you need to know about it.

Understanding short selling

Short selling is a way to profit from a falling stock market. In this strategy, the trader sells shares after borrowing them. Later, they repurchase them at a lower price again and return them to the lender.

This way of trading can be risky as the losses can be unlimited. But it can also be a powerful hedge against inflation in a long-term investment portfolio.

Mechanics of shorting stocks

To sell stock in this way, an investor must borrow shares from a broker. The investor then sells these shares on the open market.

If the price of the stock falls, the investor can buy back the shares at a lower price and return them to the lender. They get to keep the difference—the profit. However, if the stock price rises, the buyback will cost more, resulting in a loss.

Short selling vs. long-term investing

Short selling, a speculative strategy, is very different from long-term investing. They are as far apart as apples and oranges in the context of trading.

Long-term investing involves buying and holding stocks for an extended period of time. To invest in this way, one must focus on the fundamentals of the company—such as its financial health, growth potential, and management team.

On the other hand, short selling focuses on market trends and investor sentiment. Both of these can change rapidly and unpredictably.

Benefits and risks of short selling

Short selling can provide significant profits if the investor correctly predicts a decline in the stock market. It can also help hedge against a long portfolio by offsetting potential losses. However, it carries significant risks, including unlimited loss potential, short squeezes, and margin calls.

Short selling strategies

This is a high-risk strategy that requires careful consideration of market conditions and risk management techniques. This section presents a few more details about how you could go about it.

Timing the market

One of the most important aspects of selling short is timing. Traders who sell short need to identify when a stock is likely to decline in value. They must also act quickly to sell their shares before the price falls too far. For timing the market, traders usually rely on chart analysis, economic forecasts, and even their gut feelings.

Identifying overpriced stocks

Selling short also requires identifying overpriced stocks likely to decline in value. Fundamental analysis, such as earnings reports, financial statements, and industry trends, can help identify these stocks.

Determining the right stop-loss

Stop-loss orders are an essential tool for short sellers. They allow short sellers to limit their losses if the price rises.

Determining the right stop-loss level is critical. Setting the bar too low can mean unnecessarily settling for loss, while setting it too high may increase losses.

Selecting the right broker

Selling short can be more complex than traditional investing. It requires a broker with experience and expertise in the area. You should look for a broker with a strong track record of success in short selling and a deep understanding of the market.

Short selling techniques

Short selling usually includes one component of technical and fundamental analysis. Sellers who opt for shorting may also use options and other derivatives to hedge their investment.

However, it can be risky. So traders must carefully manage their positions and avoid overleveraging. It is also essential to have a clear understanding of short-selling techniques before investing in this strategy.

The basic short-selling technique

The basic technique involves borrowing shares from a broker, selling them at the current market price, and repurchasing them at a lower price to return to the lender. It requires a margin account and collateral. And the investor must pay interest on the borrowed shares.

Short selling with options

Investors can also use options to sell stocks short. A “put option” gives the holder the right to sell a stock at a specified price on or before a specified date. This price is known as the strike price. The broker executes the options contract whenever the price of the stock matches the strike price.

If the stock price falls below the strike price, the investor exercises the option of buying the stock at a lower price to cover the short position.

Short selling with futures

Futures contracts allow investors to short an asset by agreeing to sell it at a specified price on a future date. The buyer of the futures contract agrees to purchase the asset at the specified price even if the market price is higher. Investors can use futures contracts to bet on the price decline assets.

Risks of short selling

While short selling can be profitable, it also comes with significant risks. The most common risks associated with this type of trading are market risk, unlimited loss potential, and short squeezes.

Market risk

One of the primary risks that come with short selling is market risk. This is the risk that the market will move against the short position, resulting in a loss. Market risk is part and parcel of volatile markets like crypto.

Unlimited loss potential

Another significant risk of short selling is unlimited loss potential. Unlike buying a stock, where the maximum loss is limited to the amount invested, short selling has no upper limit. If the price of the stock being shorted continues to rise, the investor could lose an unlimited amount of money—or should we say all of it?

Short squeezes

A short squeeze occurs when there are a large number of short positions for a particular stock, and the price begins to rise. With the price increase, short sellers may become nervous and take to buying back shares to cover their position. This can cause a rapid and significant increase in the stock price and substantial losses for short sellers.

Regulation of short selling

Short selling is regulated to protect investors and maintain market stability. The regulatory framework includes restrictions, reporting requirements, and the uptick rule.

Short selling restrictions

Some countries restrict this practice to prevent market manipulation. For example, during the financial crisis of 2008, several countries banned short selling of stocks to prevent further market declines.

Reporting requirements

Short sellers are required to report their short sales to the relevant regulatory bodies. This is to ensure that everyone knows how much short selling is taking place and to prevent insider trading.

The uptick rule

The Uptick Rule is a regulation. It requires traders to wait for an uptick in the stock price before they enter a short sale order. This rule is also designed to prevent short sellers from driving down prices through excessive short selling.

Making the most of short selling

Short selling can be valuable in certain market conditions. However, it carries significant risks, so it’s important to use proper margins and stop-loss orders to make the most of it. Staying up-to-date with market trends and seeking professional investment advice also helps.

Proper use of margin

A margin is a form of borrowing. It allows investors to trade with more stocks than they can own. However, margins also increase risks. Because investors must repay the borrowed money and interest regardless of whether the trade was successful. Short selling on margin is risky because of this.

Utilizing stop-loss orders

Stop-loss orders are a tool that investors use. It helps to automatically close a trade if the price falls to a certain level. Short sellers can use stop-loss orders to limit their losses. For example, if a short seller borrows shares at ₹ 4,143.80 and sets a stop-loss order at ₹4,558.18, the trade will automatically close when the price reaches ₹4,558.18. This helps limit the loss to ₹414.38 per share.

Staying up-to-date with market trends

Short selling is riskier when the market is bullish—meaning stock prices are rising. Traders must, therefore, be up-to-date with market trends to identify opportunities to short sell. This essentially means looking for stocks that are overvalued or are attracting negative news coverage.

For example, short selling Tesla stock in 2020 was popular due to concerns about the company’s valuation and production delays. However, Tesla’s stock price has increased significantly since then, making short selling riskier.

Considering professional investment advice

Those new to short selling or unfamiliar with the stock market should seek professional investment advice. Financial advisors can provide valuable insights into market trends and help identify potential short-selling opportunities. They can also recommend the use of proper margins and stop-loss levels. Additionally, they can help investors manage risk, develop a diversified portfolio, and achieve long-term financial goals.


In conclusion, short selling is an investment strategy that allows investors to profit from a declining market. While short selling can be profitable, it is also risky. Traders need to identify when a stock is likely to decline in value. Quick action is another key requirement, as traders have to sell their shares before the price falls too much. It is also important to manage short-selling positions with care and avoid over-leveraging.


How does short selling works?

Short selling involves borrowing a security or asset, selling it at the current market price, and aiming to buy it back at a lower price to return it, profiting from the price difference.

What is short selling in stock?

Short selling in stocks is a strategy where an investor borrows shares from a broker, sells them in the market, and hopes to buy them back at a lower price to return them, profiting from the price decline.

How do you calculate short selling?

Short selling profit/loss = (Selling Price – Buying Price) x Quantity – Transaction Costs. Subtract costs from the result.

What is the primary benefit of short-selling?

The primary benefit of short-selling is the potential to profit from a declining market or the price decrease of a specific asset or security.

Disclaimer: Risk is fundamental to the investment process in Indian stocks. Any discussion of securities in this article should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The facts provided are for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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