How to invest in Nifty Index Fund directly?

Nifty Index Fund

Direct investing in Nifty Index Fund made easy

Here’s a step-by-step guide to investing in a Nifty index fund directly.

Step 1: To buy a Nifty index fund, you need a trading and demat account. Visit your stockbroker’s website to open these accounts.

Step 2: Open a trading and demat account as instructed by your stockbroker. This requires an online application form. You need to provide scanned KYC papers, including evidence of identification, address, and income.

Step 3: Your stockbroker will approve your trading and demat account after KYC verification.

Step 4: You will receive a user ID and password. Login to your stockbroker’s trading site using this.

Step 5: Select a Nifty index fund from the mutual fund section after logging onto the trading interface. Before choosing a Nifty index fund, analyze its performance and track record. Read all scheme-related documents.

Step 6: After selecting a Nifty index fund, you may start a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or acquire fund units with a lump sum amount.

What is an index fund?

Index funds are a type of mutual fund that aims to replicate the performance of a specific stock market index, such as the Nifty 50. In other words, an index fund is a mutual fund that only buys equities that constitute a certain market index. Each stock in the index is given the same relative weight as the others, reflecting its inclusion in the index.

To ensure that the portfolio’s weightage of its members remains consistent with that of the index it tracks, the fund manager will make adjustments if the percentage of any stock changes. One example of this widespread investment vehicle is the Nifty 50 Index Fund.

What is Nifty 50 Index Fund?

The Nifty 50 index includes 50 large, well-diversified companies in India based on market capitalization.

Nifty 50 Index Funds’ top five constituents as of 31 January, 2023 are as follows:

1. Reliance Industries
2. HDFC Bank Ltd.
3. ICICI Bank Ltd.
4. Infosys Ltd.
5. Housing Development Finance Corp.

Investors might think of how to buy the Nifty 50, an indicator of the Indian stock market. Index funds aim to replicate the performance of the market index based on this 50-stock benchmark.

What are the features of Nifty index funds?


Index funds provide investors with portfolio diversity by spreading their investment in Nifty 50, an index comprising firms operating in various economic sectors. It reduces the risk to the portfolio. In other words, the value of an investor’s portfolio will not drop much if any one industry or market segment performs poorly.

Low-cost investment

Mutual funds that track an index of low-cost investments are said to be passively managed. The fund managers do not actively participate in making investment choices on behalf of the funds. Hence, management costs are less. The expenditure ratio is low. The Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed limits on the cost ratios that fund companies might charge for specific funds, capping them at 1%.


Individuals can invest a large sum of money in index funds. Otherwise, they may use a more methodical investing strategy such as SIP.

By gradually increasing contributions (SIP), investors may consistently put away a predetermined amount into an index fund plan (monthly, quarterly, etc.). You can start with a systematic investment plan (SIP) in Nifty index funds with as little as ₹500.


The information provided in this blog should simplify investing in the Nifty 50 index fund. Investing in index funds may boost the probability that your funds will perform well over the long run, bringing you closer to meeting your financial objectives and requirements. What’s more, you won’t need to spend a lot of time keeping an eye on your investments since they are passively managed funds.


What’s the minimum investment amount required?

The minimum investment amount varies widely based on the type of investment, asset, and platform. It can range from a few dollars in some cases to higher amounts in others. Check with the specific investment option or platform for accurate details.

Do Nifty Index Funds pay dividends?

Yes, Nifty index funds can pay dividends if the underlying stocks in the Nifty 50 index provide dividends. The fund’s dividend distribution depends on the dividend policies of the stocks it holds.

Are Nifty Index Funds affected by market volatility?

Yes, Nifty index funds can be affected by market volatility. Since they track the Nifty 50 index, which represents the market’s performance, fluctuations in the index due to market volatility can impact the fund’s value.

Can I buy an index fund directly?

Yes, you can buy index funds directly through brokerage accounts or investment platforms. Search for the specific index fund you’re interested in, open an account with a brokerage, and invest in the fund like you would with individual stocks.

How can I invest in Nifty without brokerage?

Investing in Nifty without a brokerage typically involves directly buying the underlying stocks in the Nifty 50 index. This would require setting up accounts with individual companies and managing each stock separately. Using a brokerage streamlines the process, but direct investment is an option if you prefer hands-on management.

Can I invest in index funds without a demat account?

You need a demat account to invest in index funds traded on a stock exchange. However, you can still invest in index funds through direct plans of mutual funds, which are not traded on a stock exchange.

Disclaimer: Investing in mutual funds is subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing. Potential returns from a mutual fund product are not guaranteed. Past performance is not indicative of future results. None of our articles are intended to and should be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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