Firozabad police launches blockchain-based complaint portal


Following in the footsteps of Goa police, cops at Firozabad have now decided to turn to blockchain technology to improve their daily operations. The police department of the city in Uttar Pradesh has launched an exclusive police complaint portal on the Polygon network. This will be India’s first-ever blockchain-based complaint management portal.

The initiative was launched by renowned IPS officer Ashish Tiwari. Tiwari is known for his tech-savvy vision in the Indian police force.

Firozabad police department’s official Twitter handle shared a video of Tiwari explaining the project. He said that “using emerging technologies like blockchain, a pilot portal, police complaint on, has been launched.” The portal is “free of cost [and] dedicated to the city,” he added.

This isn’t the first time a police department in India has shown interest in blockchain technology. Earlier this year, in August, Goa police department launched a blockchain initiative. They collaborated with an Indian blockchain startup to facilitate a paperless record-keeping system that would enhance security and transparency.

The new portal will allow people to lodge and track complaints to aid in criminal investigation within that jurisdiction. It will eliminate the possibility of corruption.

Sandeep Nailwal, the co-founder of the blockchain network involved, Polygon, noted that the portal for the filing of First Information Reports (FIRs) will ensure that manipulation and corruption is not part of the civil justice system. Nailwal’s remarks were made as part of a Twitter post announcing the launch of the anti-corruption initiative on Wednesday.

“With an FIR going on the blockchain, specifically if people can get an online platform to file these with their identity, no lower level officers can deny the FIR. This could be a game-changer in ensuring the right to justice,” Nailwal further explained.

He added that the project is close to his heart since he grew up hearing stories of victims, especially survivors of rape cases, not getting justice due to local police corruption.

Tiwari, too, emphasized this in his speech at the launch. In his words, “The benefit of using blockchain is that the complaints registered on it can’t be tampered with as data recorded is immutable and transparent.”

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