A primer on advanced trading strategies

trading strategies

Timing the market is often a fool’s errand, but that hasn’t deterred investors from trying. Seasoned traders often rely on their instincts, but instincts are not fool-proof. Advanced trading strategies might be the thing for you whether you’re a seasoned investor or just an amateur looking to take your skills to the next level. Let’s dive in.

What is a trading strategy?

A trading strategy is a systematic evaluation of buying and selling actions in the securities market. Trading strategies are often based on individual investment styles and can be modified to suit every individual’s risk appetite and position sizes. Trading strategies may also differ from asset to asset, depending on how big each market is, what taxation considerations are, and whether objective and accurate data about assets is readily available.

Types of trading strategies

Trading strategies vary from person to person. Here are some of the prominent ones, in no particular order

News trading strategy

A news trading strategy is based largely on news and market expectations, both before the news hits the market and after it has. As news can travel quickly, traders must be quick on their feet while trading—-knowing what to sell/buy and when. Although this might seem easy and lucrative, news trading involves a lot of skill. Traders usually use stop-loss and take-profit orders and follow proper risk management before employing this strategy.

End-of-day trading strategy

The method involves trading securities toward the end of the trading day. Obviously, this is not for crypto markets which are open for trades 24/7. Traders using this strategy should be able to gauge market sentiment from the past day, but also patterns from the previous week/month to place trades. The method requires less time and commitment as there’s only a need to study charts at the beginning and the end of each day.

Swing trading strategy

Swing trading refers to seizing the market opportunity when it presents itself. Swing traders sway as the market moves—buy when they suspect a rise and sell when they believe a dip is imminent. Swing traders heavily rely on technical indicators to figure out future price movements while closely monitoring supply and demand.

Trend trading strategy

Trend trading is when a trader uses trend lines on a chart to predict movement patterns in a security’s price. The trading strategy is helpful for people who have limited time and cannot trade throughout the day. After identification of the trend, traders can utilize multiple opportunities to buy low and sell high.

Scalping trading strategy

Scalping uses a large amount of capital to profit from marginal price movements in the market. Traders hope to accumulate small profits from everyday movements by using relatively larger leverage. Scalping requires traders to use a robust exit strategy or risk losing their accumulated capital in one go.

Position trading strategy

Position trading strategy is the well-known HODL—-Hold On for Dear Life. Here, traders select fundamentally strong companies/crypto to invest in and hold them for months or even years until they hit their target. Ignoring minor fluctuations and focusing on the bigger picture is an important part of the position trading strategy.

Key components of a trading strategy

Now that you’ve understood some of the common trading strategies, make sure you remember the following concepts before you formulate your own.

Risk tolerance

Risk tolerance defines how daring you are with your investments. A higher risk tolerance indicates you’re ok with losing more money per trade if it gives you a better shot at a much greater return. Although this depends entirely on you, we recommend you evaluate your capital carefully and figure out how much you’re willing to lose on each trade. Accordingly, modify your stop losses and hope for the best!

Trading products

Trading products, such as futures, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), can be used as building blocks to help devise a trading strategy. They can be used individually or in combination with other products to create more complex strategies.

Leverage Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is probably a trader’s best friend. With a combination of trend lines, charts, algorithms, and indices, you can base your price predictions on solid research. As you become more and more accurate, there is less chance of you losing money and a greater chance of you making money.

Developing a trading strategy

Here’s how you can develop a trading strategy that suits your needs and financial goals.

Technical and fundamental trading strategies

Technical strategies help you identify patterns and trends that indicate when to buy or sell a security. Examples of popular technical indicators include moving averages, relative strength index (RSI), and Bollinger bands. Traders often use multiple technical indicators to create a holistic strategy.

Fundamental indicators, often used to determine a security’s intrinsic value, can also be employed in combination to determine if the investment is undervalued or overvalued from the market’s perspective. Indicators like market capitalization, use cases, and development progress are often helpful.

Quantitative trading strategy

A quantitative trading strategy involves using historical data from previous price movements to execute trades in high volumes or high-frequency environments. Quantitative trading strategies come in handy when several complex trading decisions have to be made within a few minutes and are sometimes automated.


Advanced trading strategies can be used both by experienced professionals to up their game and by amateurs to better understand how markets work. In any case, it is up to you to choose a standard and well-established trading strategy or devise your own. All that matters is proper risk management and the golden rule that you trade with money you can afford to lose.


What are the different trading strategies?

Some of the trading strategies are scalping, position trading, trend trading, and day trading.

What are the different types of traders?

Traders can be categorized broadly on the kind of strategies they use in the market. For instance, swing traders focus on short to medium-term price movements. Others, like scalpers, benefit from marginal movements too.

Which trading strategy is best for beginners?

Although there is no one right answer, beginners should learn how to understand the fundamental value of an asset before starting to trade in it. This approach will ensure that they are dealing with quality assets only, not ones that can be manipulated easily.

How do I devise my trading strategy?

You can create your trading strategy keeping in mind:

– Your risk appetite
– Various trading products at your disposal
– Your technical skills
– The nuances in your specific asset class, etc.

In the end, it is important that your strategy must complement your financial goals.

What is the most powerful trading strategy?

The most powerful trading strategy depends on the individual’s goals and risk tolerance. Common strategies include Buy and Hold, Swing Trading, Scalping, and Value Investing, each suited to specific scenarios.

What are the 4 trading strategies?

Common trading strategies include Day Trading, Swing Trading, Position Trading, and Algorithmic Trading. Day trading involves quick trades within a single day, while swing trading focuses on short to medium-term trends. Position trading takes a long-term approach, and algorithmic trading uses automated systems for trading.

What are the advanced options trading strategies?

Advanced options trading strategies include short call, short straddle, short strangle, short combination, long straddle, long strangle, and more. These strategies involve complex options positions to manage risk and profit potential.

What is advanced trading?

Advanced trading involves the use of complex strategies, instruments, and techniques beyond basic trading. It often includes options, derivatives, algorithmic trading, and risk management to achieve specific goals.

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