Indian Stocks Beginner

How to invest during a bear market

Investing during a bear market

When the market is down—meaning it’s a bear market—investing can be daunting for even the most seasoned investors. The primary goal of investing when the bears are out prowling is to preserve capital and generate positive returns. This article will help you understand the different phases of a bear market and the strategies you can use to learn to invest during a bear market.

What is a bear market?

The term bear market refers to a market condition. It is when stock prices are down or generally falling, and investor confidence is low. As a result, investors may sell their holdings due to fears of further losses. When investors sell their stocks, it causes an even steeper decline in stock prices. A drop of 20% or more is usually considered a bear market.

Typically, a bear market occurs when the economy is in a recession or when there is a cause or a trigger for pessimism.

Understanding the phases of a bear market

There are three primary phases of a bear market: the accumulation phase, the distribution phase, and the panic phase. The accumulation phase is the initial stage of a bear market when stocks begin to decline, but investor sentiment is still positive. Savvy investors seek undervalued stocks to purchase during this phase as they believe the market will eventually rebound.

The distribution phase is the second stage. During this phase, investor sentiment has turned negative, stocks are declining, and investors are looking to sell their holdings. In this stage, focusing on high-quality companies with solid balance sheets and a history of dividend payouts helps.

The panic phase is the final stage of a bear market when investor sentiment has reached its lowest point. During this phase, stocks are often sold off indiscriminately, and investors are looking to sell at any price. It is essential to remain calm at such times. Remember to stick to your investment strategy. Historically, the market has always rebounded after a bear market, so stay invested.

What to do in a bear market

During a bear market, investors should focus on preserving their capital and generating returns. Here are some strategies for investing during a bear market:

  • Diversify your portfolio: Diversification is one of the best ways to mitigate risk during a bear market. By investing in a variety of asset classes, you can spread your risk and minimize your exposure to volatile sectors.
  • Focus on high-quality companies: Amid a bear market, it is essential to focus on high-quality companies with solid balance sheets and a history of paying dividends. Such companies are more likely to survive the storm.
  • Use dollar-cost averaging: This is a strategy where the investor invests a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. It helps take advantage of buying opportunities during a bear market.
  • Consider defensive sectors: Defensive sectors like utilities and consumer staples tend to perform well during a bear market. These sectors’ products and services are usually in demand regardless of the economic environment.

In addition, you could try short selling and inverse ETFs and puts.

Short selling during a bear market

This strategy allows investors to profit from declining stock prices. It involves borrowing shares from a broker to sell them off later as one expects the share price to fall. The investor then buys back the shares at a lower price and returns them to the lender, pocketing the price difference. Short selling can be profitable during a bear market, as investors can profit from declining prices.

However, short selling is a risky strategy. It involves unlimited risk, as there is no limit to how much loss one may incur. So, it is not suitable for all investors.

Inverse ETFs and puts during bear markets.

Inverse ETFs and puts are two more strategies investors use during a bear market. The former are exchange-traded funds that are designed to profit from a decline. They use financial derivatives, such as futures contracts and options, to bet against the market. When the market declines, the value of the inverse ETF increases. So the investor’s profit.

Puts are options contracts that give investors the right to sell a stock at a specific price within a particular time frame. Puts can be used to profit from a decline in stock prices, as their value increases when the stock price decreases. Puts can be a valuable tool for investors who want to hedge their portfolios during a bear market.


Investing during a bear market can be a challenging task. But it is important to remember that bear markets are a natural part of the market cycle. Short selling, inverse ETFs, and puts are all strategies investors can use to profit at such times.

However, these strategies are unsuitable for all investors and should be used cautiously. If you decide it is for you, don’t forget to maintain a long-term perspective and avoid making emotional decisions.


What should I invest in during a bear market?

Consider defensive assets like bonds, dividend-paying stocks, and gold. Diversify to protect against market downturns. Be cautious with high-risk assets.

Is it good to buy shares in a bear market?

Yes, buying shares in a bear market can be advantageous. Quality stocks may be undervalued, offering long-term growth potential. However, careful research is crucial.

How can you profit from a bear market?

Profit in a bear market by short-selling stocks, using short ETFs, trading safe-haven assets, trading currencies, going long on inversely correlated assets, and diversifying your portfolio.

What do smart investors do in bear markets?

Smart investors in bear markets focus on de-risking portfolios, revisiting fundamentals, considering Roth IRA conversion, and viewing market downturns as opportunities for strategic adjustments.

Disclaimer: Risk is fundamental to the investment process in Indian stocks. Any discussion of securities in this article should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The facts provided are for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch.

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