How we're BUIDLing the future of finance.

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User Delight

The difference 30 minutes makes

At CoinSwitch our goal—every day—is to provide users with the best possible experience. Their problems are ours too. We even codified it as one of our six company values: Crazy About Customers. This series celebrates our customer champions… folks who went beyond their remit to delight a customer. Here’s Chapter 5: Meet Kavya, a cornerstone […]

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Public Policy

Government’s First 100 Days: Priorities for Web3 and VDA sector

A large and fast-growing digital-led economy, widespread availability of highly skilled tech talent, a thriving startup ecosystem, and favorable demographics are all the right ingredients for India to become a global leader in the Web3 and VDA sector. India is poised to be the world’s third largest economy, and Web3 holds immense potential to be […]

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User Delight

“Turning discontent into delight: This is why I love my job”

A dissatisfied customer is the last thing we want, and being able to resolve the issue quickly meant a great deal to me.

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CoinSwitch Publishes Third Edition of Proof of Reserves

CoinSwitch's total holdings, at Rs 3,497.22 crore, are greater than its users' holdings, at Rs 2,774.10 crore.

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User Delight

“This needed a more personal touch…”

I knew this wouldn’t be a short call. I cleared my schedule and spent the next 45 mins taking him through crypto tax...

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Public Policy

How global crypto regulations are progressing, and what to expect in 2024

Multilateral agencies are accelerating their response to comprehensively regulate crypto assets.

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Bulletin Board

Unlock the Power of SmartInvest on CoinSwitch PRO

CoinSwitch Algo Trading is a powerful feature that enables users to maximize profits through expert trading strategies

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User Delight

A helping hand for a father

It wasn't just about the financial strain, it was a father's plea. I was determined to go the extra mile and resolve the situation.

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Build your crypto portfolio on the
CoinSwitch app today

Scan the QR code below or find us on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.