
Open, honest conversations about our practices, policies, and beliefs.

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CoinSwitch Publishes Third Edition of Proof of Reserves

CoinSwitch's total holdings, at Rs 3,497.22 crore, are greater than its users' holdings, at Rs 2,774.10 crore.

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Our Proof of Reserves

CoinSwitch transformed the crypto experience in India by simplifying the process of buying and selling crypto for millions of Indians. Our app provided a user-friendly interface that was highly appreciated by our users. Over 19 million Indians now trust CoinSwitch for their crypto trading. We understand that simplicity is key, especially for retail users that […]

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Our due diligence on crypto assets we list

Few innovations promise to reshape the world the way blockchain and Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs, popularly known as crypto) do. Decentralized, transfers value on the internet, and establishes digital ownership…crypto infuses unparalleled flexibility into finance. Flexibility can be a double-edged sword, however. Today, more than 12,000 tokens exist. A new crypto is born nearly every […]

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2022: A year of BUIDLing Crypto Regulations

2022 was a turbulent year for crypto. The crypto market experienced one of the steepest price erosions in history, as rising inflation rates and subsequent monetary tightening sent the capital markets—and tech stocks in particular—into a downward spiral. Yet, it has also been a year of BUIDLing in crypto, marked with watershed events such as […]

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Our wallet addresses, proof of reserves, and more

इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। We’ve been asked for our proof of reserves. A lot. Today we are going a step ahead: Providing a complete picture of our proof of reserves and liabilities, wallet addresses, and the exchanges from where we buy and sell crypto on behalf of our […]

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CoinSwitch app today

Scan the QR code below or find us on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.