Public Policy

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Public Policy

Government’s First 100 Days: Priorities for Web3 and VDA sector

A large and fast-growing digital-led economy, widespread availability of highly skilled tech talent, a thriving startup ecosystem, and favorable demographics are all the right ingredients for India to become a global leader in the Web3 and VDA sector. India is poised to be the world’s third largest economy, and Web3 holds immense potential to be […]

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Public Policy

How global crypto regulations are progressing, and what to expect in 2024

Multilateral agencies are accelerating their response to comprehensively regulate crypto assets.

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Public Policy

2023 Wrap: How CoinSwitch advanced the cause of crypto regulations

The spectacular collapse of a large crypto asset exchange in 2022 and the subsequent whirlwind trial and conviction of its founder; the crash of a prominent crypto-friendly bank in the US; and the recent unprecedented multi-billion dollar penalty on the largest crypto asset exchange in the world for criminal compliance violations, hogged global crypto headlines […]

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Public Policy

G20 crypto assets policy repository

After a successful G20 Summit in New Delhi in September 2023, India will host a G20 Virtual Summit on November 22. This will be the first time that any country will host such a Virtual Summit, following the main Summit. The Virtual Summit will be the last major event under India’s G20 Presidency before Brazil […]

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Public Policy

India’s G20 Presidency: Finding common ground for a global VDA framework

This week marks a significant milestone in India’s strategic growth as it successfully completes the Presidency of the G20—a resounding success for diplomacy and international collaboration. As the baton now passes to the next G20 host country, the progress India has effected at a global scale on the subject of a global regulatory framework for […]

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Public Policy

Enhancing Consumer Awareness and Protection in VDA sector

An internationally coordinated regulatory framework for Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs) is a work in progress, with the Union Government in active discussions with various stakeholders in the country and internationally through fora such as the G20, which India is currently heading. The gradual but steady progress on this front is also a reflection of the […]

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Public Policy

Spreading the word and demystifying Web3 for stakeholders

Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet built on the ethos of decentralization and end-user ownership. Built on public blockchain, Web3 enables new possibilities for digital ownership, secure and verifiable transactions, decentralized governance, and data privacy. This paradigm shift can be of massive economic and technological potential for India and could truly transform […]

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Public Policy

Virtual digital assets, India’s stand and the way ahead

Rulemaking is an arduous task. Oftentimes, the words in a gazette take a form of their own in the real world, diverging from the intent. This can be particularly challenging in the case of emerging technologies, where change is rapid and constant. Consider the infamous Red Flag Act the United Kingdom introduced at the advent […]

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