Proof of Reserves, Wallet Addresses and more… starting 2023 right

Proof of Reserves, Wallet Addresses and more… starting 2023 right

It’s January! The month of new resolutions and a renewed conviction to do and be better. And while the teams at CoinSwitch are already planning for the year ahead, I’d like to share some of our collective (as well as some of my personal) goals for 2023 with you:

– Be more Transparent
– Focus on Execution
– Prioritise Fitness

The past year has been turbulent—for the markets and the world in general. However, I believe that bear markets are the best time to slow down, think things through and build. And that’s what we at CoinSwitch did in 2022: We hunkered down and built. I’m excited to bring these products to you in 2023.

Let’s get straight into the first goal: Be more Transparent

As India’s largest crypto exchange, it is on us to build trust with our users by being more transparent. In 2023, we will aim to give you access to all information, good or bad, whenever you need it.

This year we will go the extra mile to make our processes and systems crystal-clear for you. We are committed to building India’s best wealth-tech destination, and we can be the best only if you—our users—know it and believe in it.

Yes, I can almost hear you go: proof of address kahan hai? Wallet address dikhao?

Today I am addressing what many of you have been asking for: Our crypto wallet addresses. This on-chain validation of the assets we hold on your behalf is in addition to the summary of our Proof of Reserves report we published on November 17, 2022. You can find the details of our wallets and more here.

In the article, you will find:

  • Our wallet addresses and the total funds in them (in INR)
  • The list of exchanges we engage with to buy and sell crypto for you
  • The full independent report of our crypto and INR holdings conducted by a third-party firm

Full transparency: that’s the mantra. And I’ll write to you once every month to give you a walk-through of how we go about building CoinSwitch into India’s top wealth-tech destination.

Now, on to the 2nd goal: Focus on Execution

2022 was the year of the silent BUIDL at CoinSwitch. And now’s the time for you and the world to see the fruits of our labor. You may have already experienced the foundation of these ambitious plans: The all-new CoinSwitch app and CoinSwitch PRO… Be prepared for many more launches, products and asset classes. I’m counting on your support and feedback at every step of the way. Your inputs will help us make a product that everyone loves!

The final and my personal goal for 2023 is to make fitness a priority. Between launching new products, travelling to represent CoinSwitch at events and life in general, I found myself burning the candle at both ends. It led to poor eating habits, restless sleep and a general sense of malaise. I have since started taking concrete steps to devote time to my fitness and dietary decisions.

2023 promises to be an exciting and important year for CoinSwitch and I’m excited to bring you along on this journey. Enough about me. I hope you have set your goals too!

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Disclaimer : Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. The information provided in this post is not to be considered as investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch. Any action taken upon the information shall be at user’s own risk.

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