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Understanding risk/reward ratios

risk reward ratios

The risk/reward ratio is a trading metric that helps analyze whether the returns for undertaking a risk are adequate. Traders use it to evaluate whether an investment is worth pursuing. By learning all about it, you, too, can figure out whether you’re making the right calls.

What is the risk/reward ratio?

The risk/reward ratio is a metric in cryptocurrency investing. It refers to the potential profitability of an investment compared to the maximum possible loss.

If an investment has a higher ratio of risks to rewards, the chances of benefiting from that investment are high, but so is the potential for loss. On the other hand, if the ratio is low, the loss is less likely, but so is the possibility of a good return.

Factors that influence how the risk/reward ratio works

A cryptocurrency project or investment with a high risk/reward ratio will have a high potential for growth. But it will also involve a lot of potential for volatility and/or loss. When considering this ratio in relation to cryptocurrency investing, investors must stay aware of the following:

  • Current market conditions: During a market downturn, for instance, crypto investors—especially retail investors—may perceive investing as a risky affair. This perception could lead to a lower reward expectation for investors.
  • Potential for future growth: Projects with strong fundamentals, a solid development team, and a clear roadmap for the future have lower risks and a higher potential for reward.
  • Strength of the underlying technology: Well-established projects are usually perceived to have a lower risk. This is mostly because they bring with them better network security, superior infrastructure, and more efficient performance.
  • Potential for regulatory changes: Cryptocurrencies are not regulated in India. Changes in laws and regulations in such a scenario will have an especially significant impact on prices. It could translate into higher risk for short-term investors, at least until regulations become more stable and predictable.

How to calculate the risk/reward ratio

Simply put, you can calculate the risk/reward ratio by dividing the maximum risk they are willing to take by potential rewards.

So, let’s say an investor buys 1 BTC at a price of $20,000. They make the purchase with the expectation that the price will rise to $25,000 in the next few months. The potential profit for this investor is ($25,000 – $20,000) = $5,000. However, they do not want to risk losing more than $2,000. That means, to limit their loss, if the price drops to $18,000, they will sell off their holdings.

To calculate the risk/reward ratio in this case, you will have to divide $5,000 by the potential loss ($2,000). So, the ratio, in this case, is 2.5. That means for every dollar the investor could potentially lose, they can make $2.50.

Limiting risk and stop-loss orders

Investors use stop-loss orders to help investors reduce their exposure to losses. Such orders let the investor name the specific price (usually lower than the current market price) at which they want the trading platform to close their position and sell their coins.

Example of the ratio with stop loss

For example, if you buy a coin at $100 and set your stop-loss at $95, you’re giving the platform the job of limiting your loss to $5. But the value of your coin could rise up to $120. Should that happen, your potential gain is $20. That would give you a risk/reward ratio of 1:2 (risking $10 to make $20).


In conclusion, understanding the risk/reward ratio is a useful tool. It helps traders figure out whether there is a high chance that they will lose money. This ratio, along with other technical analysis metrics, allows traders to make informed investment decisions.

As amazing as using the ratio may be, it is essential to conduct thorough research and practice due diligence while trading.


Is the Risk-Reward Ratio Suitable for All Traders?

The risk-reward ratio’s suitability varies among traders. Conservative traders prefer higher ratios for lower risk. Aggressive traders accept lower ratios for higher rewards. Choose what aligns with your risk tolerance and trading strategy.

How Does the Risk-Reward Ratio Affect Trading Strategy?

The risk-reward ratio influences trading strategy by helping traders assess potential gains against potential losses. A favorable ratio guides entry, exit points, and position sizing, enhancing decision-making and overall trading discipline.

What is a Good Risk-Reward Ratio?

A good risk-reward ratio varies based on your risk tolerance and strategy. Commonly, 1:2 or higher (potential reward is double potential risk) is considered favorable. It aims to balance profitability and risk management.

How do you interpret the risk/reward ratio?

The risk/reward ratio in crypto investing tells you about the potential profitability of an investment. If an investment has a higher risk/reward ratio, that means the chances of benefiting from that investment are high, but so is the potential for loss.

Is a 1.5 risk/reward ratio good?

A risk/reward ratio of 1:5 in cryptocurrency investing means that for every dollar that the trader may potentially lose, there is the potential to gain $5. That’s generally considered a good risk/reward ratio, as the potential rewards outweigh the potential losses.

Do you want a high or low risk-to-reward ratio?

A good risk/reward ratio has a higher reward potential than risk. So that’s what you’re probably looking for.

What are limiting risk and stop-loss orders?

Limiting risk means making trading decisions that result in fewer losses. Setting up stop-loss orders is one of the ways of limiting risks.

Disclaimer: Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. The information provided in this post is not to be considered investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch. Any action taken upon the information shall be at the user’s risk.

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