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How to Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) in India

Want to buy crypto but don't know where to buy PancakeSwap? No worries! CoinSwitch offers many options where you can easily buy several cryptocurrencies including PancakeSwap, with the lowest fees and highest security.

CAKE Price in India

Updated at 4:17:44 AM, 10/13/2024


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Log in using your registered mobile number. Simply access PRO using an OTP sent to your number and then enter your CoinSwitch PIN.

Buy Crypto Step 1.1Buy Crypto Step 1.2Buy Crypto Step 1.3Buy Crypto Step 1.4

If you don't have a CoinSwitch account yet, you have been missing out. Simply click on this link to register.


Once logged in, you will see your PRO dashboard with historical prices, technical indicators, comparison charts, and everything else you need to trade smart.

Buy Crypto Step 2.1Buy Crypto Step 2.2

There you will see the order section where you can choose your order type. Select whether you'd like a limit or a stop-limit order.

Buy Crypto Step 2.3


After you have found CAKE and find yourself ready to make a buying decision, move to the right side of your PRO dashboard.

Buy Crypto Step 3.1

There you will see the order section where you can choose your order type. Select whether you'd like a limit or a stop-limit order.


Once you've chosen your order type, enter the amount of CAKE that you want to buy.

Buy Crypto Step 4.1

Otherwise, you can also enter the Total INR amount you want to buy and see how much Quantity you'll get for that amount.


Click on the buy button and you're done. Your chosen amount of CAKE will be added to your portfolio. Wasn't that easy?

Buy Crypto Step 5.1

Watch the video for a better understanding

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What is PancakeSwap (CAKE) crypto?

PancakeSwap (CAKE) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Binance Smart Chain, enabling users to trade cryptocurrencies, provide liquidity, and earn rewards. CAKE is its native token used for staking, governance, and earning rewards.


How Can I Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) In India?

To buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) in India directly, you can engage in P2P (Peer to Peer) trade. If there’s somebody you know who already has PancakeSwap (CAKE), you can buy directly from them.


You can use decentralized exchanges to connect with a seller and buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) from them.

The easiest way to take the simplified route is to download the CoinSwitch App!


How to Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) in India Directly?

You can buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) in just 4 steps on the CoinSwitch App:

• Open the CoinSwitch App, click on the Market tab from the bottom navigation, and select PancakeSwap (CAKE).

• Click on the ‘Buy’ button.

• Enter the amount that you would like to buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) for, say ₹100, and click on the ‘Preview Buy button

• Check all the details of your order and proceed by clicking ‘Buy.’

Congratulations, you just bought your first PancakeSwap (CAKE)!


How Can I Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) In India?

CoinSwitch App helps you buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) in India with ease. You can start buying PancakeSwap (CAKE) with just ₹100. To know more about buying PancakeSwap (CAKE): Click Here